Emergency Care Costing Study - project management survey

Closed 22 Mar 2016

Opened 29 Jan 2016


The Emergency Care Costing Study - project management survey is specifically aimed at the Emergency Care Advisory Working Group (ECAWG).

The survey comprises of five questions which you are asked to rank from ‘strongly agree’ to strongly disagree’. The survey assesses ECAWG’s views on:

  • The effectiveness of the project management by the consultants to achieve the outcomes of the Emergency care costing and classification project.
  • The extent to which ECAWG members were effectively engaged to provide input into the study at appropriate milestones/ timeframes.

Only one survey is to be completed per jurisdiction and/ or representative organisation on ECAWG. 

Why your views matter

The purpose of the survey is to ensure that appropriate mechanisms are in place to produce quality outputs, and to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to present their feedback, to improve the project’s desired outcomes.

In addition, the survey provides an opportunity for key parties involved in the project (ie IHPA, participating sites and state/ territory health authorities, ECAWG members and the consortium) to learn from the project and apply these key learnings to future projects. 

Key Dates

Status: Closed

Ran from 29 Jan 2016 to 22 Mar 2016

Submissions were forwarded to IHPA in a range of formats including Word, RTF, PDF and handwritten or typed hardcopy. In order to make submissions available as soon as possible, most submissions have been published in their original format. Handwritten submissions have been scanned into PDF documents. If the content has been emailed to IHPA the text of email submissions has been reproduced in Word format.


  • Health professional/clinician work for a Primary Health Network (PHN)
  • Health professional/clinician work for a Local Health Network (LHN) or public hospital
  • Government
  • Research institute, organisation, university, policy institute or consulting group


  • Classifications