Development of Version 4.0 of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards

Closed 6 Feb 2015

Opened 6 Feb 2015


As part of the continuing development of activity based funding (ABF) arrangements for Australian hospitals, the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) has appointed HealthConsult to conduct a body of work that, for convenience, is collectively referred to as the National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) development project. This Consultation Papers has been prepared to inform work on the development of Version 4.0 of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (AHPCS). There is a related Discussion Paper on the evaluation of alternative final cost methodologies.


  • Health professional/clinician work for a Primary Health Network (PHN)
  • Health professional/clinician work for a Local Health Network (LHN) or public hospital
  • Government
  • Research institute, organisation, university, policy institute or consulting group


  • Other