Draft Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification Version 5.0

Closed 10 May 2021

Opened 12 Apr 2021


The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) released a public consultation paper to outline the proposed fifth version of the Australian National Subacute and Non-Acute Patient Classification (AN-SNAP V5).

IHPA invited all interested parties to provide feedback on the changes proposed for AN-SNAP V5 from Monday 12 April to 12pm AEST on Monday 10 May 2021.

15 submissions were received during the public consultation process, these can be viewed below in the 'Related' section.


  • Health professional/clinician work for a Primary Health Network (PHN)
  • Health professional/clinician work for a Local Health Network (LHN) or public hospital
  • Government
  • Research institute, organisation, university, policy institute or consulting group


  • Classifications