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47 results

  • Development of the Australian Emergency Care Classification

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) released a public consultation paper on the development of the Australian Emergency Care Classification (AECC) on Wednesday 8 November 2017. The public consultation process closed on Friday 8 December 2017. This public consultation paper sought stakeholders’ views on the proposed structure and data items for inclusion for the AECC. The consultation paper described the work undertaken to date to develop a new classification system for... More
    Closed 8 December 2017
  • Development of the Australian Teaching and Training Classification

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) released a public consultation paper on the development of the Australian Teaching and Training Classification (ATTC) on Thursday 10 August 2017. The public consultation process closed on Friday 29 September 2017. This public consultation paper seeks stakeholders’ views on the proposed structure and data items for inclusion for the ATTC. The consultation paper describes the work undertaken to date to design a nationally consistent... More
    Closed 29 September 2017
  • Assessment of new health technologies 2017–18

    IHPA's core function is the pricing of public hospital services. IHPA’s Pricing Guidelines recognise that the "pricing of public hospital services should respond in a timely way to introduction of evidence-based, effective new health technology and innovations in models of care that improve patient outcomes." Accounting for new health technologies While IHPA was not established to take on a major technology evaluation role, it does partially account for the adoption of new... More
    Closed 11 September 2017
  • Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2018-19

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) released its Consultation paper on the Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2018–19. Public consultation was open from Monday, 17 July 2017 to 5pm Thursday, 17 August 2017. IHPA’s Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services is revised and published each year. It outlines the principles, scope and methodology adopted by IHPA to determine the National Efficient Price (NEP) and the National Efficient... More
    Closed 17 August 2017
  • IHPA Work Program 2017-18

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Work Program 2017–18 public consultation paper. All submissions have been published on IHPA’s website unless respondents specifically identified any sections that they believed should be kept confidential due to commercial or other reasons. The consultation paper and received submissions are attached below in the 'Related' section. More
    Closed 1 May 2017
  • Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2017–18

    The Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services is updated annually and outlines the principles, scope and methodology adopted by Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) to determine the National Efficient Price (NEP) and the National Efficient Cost (NEC) Determinations for Australian public hospital services for the specific financial year. Submissions were forwarded to IHPA in a range of formats including Word, RTF, PDF and handwritten or typed hardcopy. In order... More
    Closed 30 September 2016
  • Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services 2016-17

    The Pricing Framework for Australian Public Hospital Services is updated annually and outlines the principles, scope and methodology adopted by the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) to determine the National Efficient Price (NEP) and the National Efficient Cost (NEC) Determinations for Australian public hospital services for the specific financial year. Submissions were forwarded to IHPA in a range of formats including Word, RTF, PDF and handwritten or typed hardcopy. In... More
    Closed 22 June 2016
  • Emergency Care Costing Study - project management survey

    The Emergency Care Costing Study - project management survey is specifically aimed at the Emergency Care Advisory Working Group (ECAWG). The survey comprises of five questions which you are asked to rank from ‘strongly agree’ to strongly disagree’. The survey assesses ECAWG’s views on: The effectiveness of the project management by the consultants to achieve the outcomes of the Emergency care costing and classification project. The extent to which ECAWG members... More
    Closed 22 March 2016
  • IHPA Work Program 2016-17

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Work Program 2016–17 public consultation paper. All submissions have been published on IHPA’s website unless respondents specifically identified any sections that they believed should be kept confidential due to commercial or other reasons. The consultation paper and received submissions are attached below in the 'Related' section. More
    Closed 1 February 2016
  • Discussion paper on the emergency care costing study (part of the Emergency care costing and classification development project)

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) is developing a new national classification system for emergency care departments and services. The classification will be underpinned by a targeted costing study that will investigate the impact of cost variation between emergency departments/services, and data development to modify and enhance selected data items in the emergency care data collections to support the implementation of the new emergency care classification. This... More
    Closed 30 September 2015
  • Consultation paper on the Emergency Department Principal Diagnosis Short List

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) is currently developing an emergency department (ED) ICD‑10‑AM principal diagnosis short list for implementation in the Non Admitted Patient Emergency Department Care National Minimum Data Set (NAPEDC NMDS) for 2016-17. The short list includes proposed terminology for each diagnosis code based on the corresponding ICD‑10-AM code description as well as terminology currently used by jurisdictions. More
    Closed 28 August 2015
  • Development of a table of standard costs for conducting clinical trials in Australia

    IHPA has developed a robust set of standard costs for the revised List of standard items associated with conducting clinical trials in Australia. The project methodology featured the development of a discussion paper as the basis of a call for public submissions; a broad stakeholder consultation process involving visits to nine public and three private hospitals to gather data to support activity based costing; discussions with trial sponsors (industry and research collaboratives) and... More
    Closed 1 July 2015
  • Australian Mental Health Care Classification - Public Consultation No. 2

    This is the second public consultation paper to inform the development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC). The first public consultation was undertaken in early 2015. This paper sets out work undertaken to date, focusing on work completed since the last consultation paper, and seeks stakeholders’ views on the proposed classification. At present, there is no single classification used for mental health services. Since 1 July 2013, IHPA has priced... More
    Closed 1 May 2015
  • Development of Version 4.0 of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards

    As part of the continuing development of activity based funding (ABF) arrangements for Australian hospitals, the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) has appointed HealthConsult to conduct a body of work that, for convenience, is collectively referred to as the National Hospital Cost Data Collection (NHCDC) development project. This Consultation Papers has been prepared to inform work on the development of Version 4.0 of the Australian Hospital Patient Costing Standards (AHPCS). There... More
    Closed 6 February 2015
  • IHPA Work Program 2015-16

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Work Program 2015–16 public consultation paper. All submissions have been published on IHPA’s website unless respondents specifically identified any sections that they believed should be kept confidential due to commercial or other reasons. The consultation paper and received submissions are attached below in the 'Related' section. More
    Closed 1 February 2015
  • Teaching, Training and Research (TTR) Costing Study Public—Consultation Paper

    The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (IHPA) conducted a Teaching, Training and Research (TTR) costing study to inform the development of a TTR classification. The project involved a cost and activity data collection across a representative sample of Australian hospitals, and thereby develop a costed data file to inform the development of a TTR classification. IHPA engaged a consortium, led by Paxton Partners to undertake this costing study. The purpose of the public consultation... More
    Closed 30 January 2015
  • Development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification – Public Consultation No. 1

    This was the first in a series of public consultation papers to inform the final stage in the development of the first iteration of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC). It built upon consultations that were undertaken by the University of Queensland (UQ) in the early stages of this project, and through targeted consultation undertaken by IHPA through the AMHCC Mental Health Costing Study. This paper set out work undertaken to date and sought stakeholders’ views... More
    Closed 1 January 2015
47 results. Page 2 of 2