Development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification – Public Consultation No. 1

Closed 1 Jan 2015

Opened 1 Jan 2015


This was the first in a series of public consultation papers to inform the final stage in the development of the first iteration of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC). It built upon consultations that were undertaken by the University of Queensland (UQ) in the early stages of this project, and through targeted consultation undertaken by IHPA through the AMHCC Mental Health Costing Study.

This paper set out work undertaken to date and sought stakeholders’ views on the approach to the classification’s development and its proposed structure.

The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority invited all interested parties to provide comment on the Development of the Australian Mental Health Care Classification.

IHPA values the feedback it receives from jurisdictions, peak bodies, other interested stakeholder groups, and the community as it progresses work to develop and refine the Australian Mental Health Care Classification (AMHCC) and its supporting material, both in the immediate future and the longer term.

Submissions were forwarded to IHPA in a range of formats including Word, RTF, PDF and handwritten or typed hardcopy. In order to make submissions available as soon as possible, most submissions have been published in their original format. Handwritten submissions have been scanned into PDF documents. If the content has been emailed to IHPA the text of email submissions has been reproduced in Word format.

The consultation paper and received submissions are attached below in the 'Related' section.


  • Health professional/clinician work for a Primary Health Network (PHN)
  • Health professional/clinician work for a Local Health Network (LHN) or public hospital
  • Government
  • Research institute, organisation, university, policy institute or consulting group


  • Classifications